
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Important Baby-Care Tips Article

Important Baby-Care Tips Article

As your baby becomes older, you will both start to learn new and exciting things about each other and about life in general. One of the biggest challenges you will face is how to be sure you provide the best care possible for your baby.
"What does my baby need to develop motor skills?" "What types of products are best for my baby?" "What will I need to provide the best environment as she begins to grow?" These are just a few of the numerous questions that you must ask yourself as the parent of a zero to three year old.

Here are some tips and ideas to assist you in your baby-care needs:

Clothes and Bags: Whenever taking your baby out of the house, be sure to include extra changes of clothes and some small garbage or zip lock bags in your diaper bag. Even when wearing diaper covers, leaks can occur creating an extra mess to clean up. Having an extra set of clothes allows you to put your baby in some fresh clothing along with a fresh diaper. The small garbage or zip lock bags are great to store used diapers or soiled clothing until you get a chance to dispose of them properly.

Christening Gown: The Christening Gown should be planned for well in advance to ensure style and size availability. The baby's comfort is essential to the success of the christening. A soft, loose fitting Christening Gown will help the baby to feel more at ease and cooperative. Even with the best baby, accidents happen. Make sure the Christening Gown is washable. An enzymatic cleaner is recommended for hand washing the Christening Gown. And don't forget a chemical free, cotton preservation bag to store the Christening Gown.
Bottle Nipples: In some cases a fussy baby will continuously refuse their bottle. Did you know there are different kinds of bottle nipple shapes and sizes? Sometimes, the best aid to a baby's refusal is to try different nipple shapes and sizes. Most pharmacies will provide quite an assortment of bottle accessories.

Baby Nail Trimming: Trimming your baby's nails can be quite a task when they become fussy about it. Unfortunately, it is a necessary evil. To avoid a dangerously squirming baby when trying to trim their nails, the best thing to do is trim their nails when they are sound asleep. Doing so will make life much easier for both you and your baby.
The birth of a new child is the most exciting and amazing event that can happen to a parent. Remember that lots of love from his or her loved ones is a vital component to any baby's development.

For more articles:

Monday, November 19, 2007

Predict Your Baby's Gender

Some say you can predict the sex of your baby without pregnancy ultrasounds. Here are some of the old wives tales we have heard. Whether you believe them or not is solely up to you, however; we don't recommend picking out the nursery colors just yet. Have fun!

Wives Tale Sex Indicators

1. The way you carry your baby: If you carry low, you are having a boy. If you carry high, you are having a girl.

2. If your baby kicks a lot, you are having a boy. Inactive baby? You're having a girl.

3. If you're craving salt, you're having a boy.

4. If you're craving sweets, it's a girl.

5. Tie your wedding ring or a pin to a piece of string and hold it suspended over your belly. If it moves like a pendulum, back and forth, you are having a boy. If it moves in a circular motion, you are having a girl.

6. If your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute, you are having a boy. If it is higher than 140, it's a girl!







Thursday, November 15, 2007

Feeding problems: Food Allergies


The problem

An estimated 2 to 5 percent of kids suffer from food allergies, in which the immune system reacts to a particular food as an intruder. When the child eats an offending food, her body releases antibodies that cause reactions such as skin rashes, watery eyes, and diarrhea. There are two types of allergic reactions to food: The first is immediate. As soon as the food goes into her mouth, her throat swells, and your child may sneeze or have watery eyes or an itchy tongue. In rare cases, a food will cause anaphylactic shock. Within minutes of eating, the child's throat swells and spasms, hindering breathing.The second type of reaction takes a few days to show up Usually the allergy produces facial rashes such as hives, or gastrointestinal symptoms, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

What you can do

When starting solids, introduce a new food only every three to five days. If your child is going to react to the food, chances are the symptoms will show up within this time. "More than 90 percent of food allergies are caused by nine foods: dairy products, soy, shellfish, wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, egg whites, citrus fruits, and food additives," says pediatrician William Sears. He advises introducing the least allergenic foods — fruits, vegetables, and cereal — first, and waiting until the child is at least 18 months old to offer the most allergenic foods (the ones highest in protein) such as eggs and peanut butter. If your child has a mild reaction to a particular food, wait a few weeks and then try giving it to her again. If you have a family history of food allergies or your partner does, the likelihood that your child will have allergies may double. The good news: Most kids outgrow food allergies by age 3.

Monday, November 12, 2007

智力开发 > 造型活动——艺术的游戏

关键字:聪明宝宝 造型 折纸
















撕碎和剪碎的纸片呈各种形态,可以促进宝宝对不同形象的联想,锻炼宝宝的想象力。也是宝宝认识造型和造型活动的开始,可以满足宝宝 “破坏——重建”的探索心理,使宝宝本来就具有的游戏兴趣得到满足!


编辑:摇篮编辑 摇篮网

Friday, November 9, 2007


关键字:宝宝 急性腹泻 脱水


编辑:摇篮编辑 摇篮网


主料:猪肉(瘦)200克 干豆腐200克

调料:酱油20克 醋10克 味精1克 大蒜20克 香油5克 辣椒油15克 盐4克 菜籽油15克


1. 将瘦肉切成0.4 厘米粗的肉丝;
2. 干豆腐切成0.4 厘米粗的丝待用;
3. 将锅置火上,注入菜籽油,将肉丝一锅炒熟,装盘待用;
4. 将大蒜剥去蒜衣,砸成蒜泥;
5. 干豆腐丝放入沸水锅中伸一遍,而后投入凉水中过凉,沥干水分装盘;
6. 将醋、酱油、味精、辣椒油、蒜泥、香油、精盐放入碗中调拌匀;
7. 将豆腐丝码在盘底,再将肉丝放在上面,将兑好的味汁浇淋在上面,即可调拌均匀供食。


1. 瘦肉丝、豆腐丝要切得粗细均匀,否则影响外观美;
2. 炒肉丝时,不要炒老,要旺火速炒,否则质老影响质量;
3. 味汁的调制,可因各自口味而定。





1. 猪肉(瘦):猪肉含有丰富的优质蛋白质和必需的脂肪酸,并提供血红素(有机铁)和促进铁吸收的半胱氨酸,能改善缺铁性贫血;具有补肾养血,滋阴润燥的功效;猪精肉相对其它部位的猪肉,其含有丰富优质蛋白,脂肪、胆固醇较少,一般人群均可适量食用。

2. 干豆腐:豆腐丝中含有丰富蛋白质,而且豆腐蛋白属完全蛋白,含有人体必需的8种氨基酸,营养价值较高;其含有的卵磷脂可除掉附在血管壁上的胆固醇,防止血管硬化,预防心血管疾病,保护心脏;并含有多种矿物质,补充钙质,防止因缺钙引起的骨质疏松,促进骨骼发育,对小儿、老人的骨骼生长极为有利。





主料: 猪肉(瘦)250克、猪肉(肥)55克

辅料: 百合(干)70克、火腿20克、香菇(鲜)20克、鸡蛋清50克、油菜心30克

调料: 味精3克、胡椒粉1克、盐7克


1. 香菇去蒂,洗净;

2. 油菜心择洗干净;

3. 熟火腿切片;

4. 把瘦肉和肥肉放在一起剁砸成肉茸;

5. 肉茸中加入精盐、鸡蛋清、味精,搅匀;

6. 搅匀的肉茸挤成约15 克重的丸子;

7. 干百合洗净,碾成粉;

8. 肉丸子放入干百合粉内沾匀;

9. 取出肉丸子装笊篱,放冷水中浸一下,随即取出,再沾百合粉,如此重复三次;

10. 最后将沾有百合粉的肉丸子放进开水锅中煮,熟后捞起装入大碗;

11. 鲜汤500毫升烧开,放入精盐、味精、胡椒粉,将汤倒入盛肉丸的大碗内,淋鸡油;

12. 把香菇、火腿、菜心放在上面即可。


1. 砸剁肉茸时,要在干净的菜墩上,或干净的肉皮上进行,砸剁时把肉筋挑去,肉细腻,口感佳;

2. 搅拌时顺一个方向用力搅,加少许汤,打上劲,丸子不散;

3. 百合粉放入大托盘内,丸子放其上,晃动即可沾匀;

4. 肉丸入水锅,用小火煮,开后用手勺翻动,时间宜短,过长质老。








1. 猪肉(瘦):猪肉含有丰富的优质蛋白质和必需的脂肪酸,并提供血红素(有机铁)和促进铁吸收的半胱氨



2. 猪肉(肥):猪肉含有丰富的优质蛋白质和必需的脂肪酸,并提供血红素(有机铁)和促进铁吸收的半胱氨



3. 百合(干):百合是著名的保健食品和常用中药。百合主要含生物素、秋水碱等多种生物碱和营养物质,有





4. 火腿:火腿色泽鲜艳,红白分明,瘦肉香咸带甜,肥肉香而不腻,美味可口,各种营养成分易被人体所吸


5. 香菇(鲜):香菇具有高蛋白、低脂肪、多糖、多种氨基酸和多种维生素的营养特点;香菇中有一种一般








6. 鸡蛋清:鸡蛋清富含蛋白质和人体必需的8种氨基酸和少量醋酸,可以增强皮肤的润滑作用,保护皮肤的微



7. 油菜心:油菜中含有丰富的钙、铁和维C,其中所含的维C比大白菜高。另外胡萝卜素也很丰富,是人体黏






1. 猪肉(瘦):猪肉不宜与乌梅、甘草、鲫鱼、虾、鸽肉、田螺、杏仁、驴肉、羊肝、香菜、甲鱼、菱角、荞




2. 猪肉(肥):猪肉不宜与乌梅、甘草、鲫鱼、虾、鸽肉、田螺、杏仁、驴肉、羊肝、香菜、甲鱼、菱角、荞


3. 鸡蛋清:鸡蛋清不能与白糖、豆浆、兔肉同食。


1. 百合,为百合科植物百合。有细叶百合和射香百合。性味甘、微苦,微寒。含有多种生物碱、淀粉、蛋白


2. 此菜光亮如水晶,配冬菇、火腿和菜心,丸子漂浮汤中,色泽艳丽,滑润软嫩,富有弹性。

Preparing Siblings for a New Baby

How should we prepare our older children for their new baby brother or sister?

How your children react to a new baby depends largely on their ages at the time the baby is born. Knowing what to expect from each age group will make it easier to handle the changes in your family.

Ages 2 to 4

Toddlers and preschoolers may have a hard time adjusting to a new baby, especially if they are between 2 and 3 years old. At this age, your child is still very attached to you and does not yet understand about sharing you with others. Your child also may be very sensitive to changes going on around her, and may feel threatened by the idea of a new family member. Here are some suggestions for how to ease your preschooler into being a big brother or big sister.

Wait a while before telling your preschooler that you are going to have a baby, but do not wait too long. A child younger than 4 will have a hard time understanding an abstract concept like an unborn baby. You should explain it to your child when you start buying nursery furniture or baby clothes, or when she starts to ask about mom's growing "stomach." Picture books for preschoolers can be very helpful. So can sibling preparation classes (ask your hospital if they offer them). Try to tell your child before she hears about the new baby from someone else.

Be honest. Do not promise that things will be the same after the baby comes, because they will not be, no matter how hard you try. Explain that the baby will be cute and cuddly, but will also cry and take a lot of your time and attention. Also, make sure that your older child knows that the baby will not be an instant playmate. Let your preschooler know that you will love her just as much after the baby is born as you do now.

Involve your preschooler in planning for the baby.
This will make her less jealous. Let her shop with you for baby items. Show her pictures of herself as a newborn. If you are going to use some of her old baby things, let her play with them a bit before you get them ready for the new baby.
Do not make major changes in your preschooler's routine until after the baby is born. You should complete making any changes such as toilet training or switching from a crib to a bed before the baby arrives. If that is not possible, put them off until after the baby is settled in at home. Otherwise, your preschooler may feel overwhelmed by trying to learn new things on top of all the changes caused by the new baby.

Expect your child to "regress" a little.
Do not worry too much if news that a baby is coming or if the baby's arrival makes your preschooler start acting like a baby again. For example, your toilet-trained child might suddenly start having "accidents," or she might want to take a bottle. This is normal and is your older child's way of making sure she still has your love and attention. Instead of telling her to act her age, let her have the attention she needs. Praise her when she acts more "grown-up."

Prepare your child for when you are in the hospital.
Toddlers and preschoolers may be confused when you leave for the hospital. Explain to your child that you will be back with the new baby in a few days.

Set aside some special time for your older child.
No matter how busy you are with the new baby, make sure you save some special time each day just for you and your older child. Read, play games, listen to music, or simply talk together. Show her that you want to know what she is doing, thinking, and feeling—not only about the baby but about everything else in her life. Also, make her feel a part of things by having her cuddle next to you when you feed the baby.

Encourage visitors to give attention to your older child. Visitors can make such a fuss over a new baby that your older child might feel left out. Ask family and friends to spend a little time with your older child when they come to see the new baby. They might also give her a small gift when they bring gifts for the baby.

Have your older child spend time with dad.
A new baby presents a great opportunity for fathers to spend time alone with older children.
School-age children

Children older than 5 are usually not as threatened by a newborn as younger children are. This is particularly true if the school-age child has good self-esteem and feels loved and valued. Even so, your older child may resent the attention the baby gets. To prepare your school-age child for a new baby:

Tell your child about what is happening in language she can understand.
Explain what having a new brother or sister means, noting that the changes may affect her—both the good and the not-so-good. Make your firstborn feel like a part of the process. Have your older child help get the house ready for the new sibling by fixing up the baby's bedroom, picking out a new crib, buying diapers. If there is time, have her come to the hospital soon after the delivery so that she feels part of the growing family. Then, when you bring the baby home, make your older child feel that she has a role to play in caring for the baby. Tell her she can hold the baby, although she must ask you first. Praise her when she is gentle and loving toward the baby.

Make sure your older child feels listened to.
Do not overlook your older child's needs and activities. Let her know she can talk about her feelings. Tell her: "A new baby means a lot more work for me. If you ever feel that I am not spending enough time with you, let me know so I can give you plenty of extra love." Make an effort to spend some time alone with her each day; use that as a chance to make her feel like the most important person in your life.

A great gift

Sibling relationships are very special. We form our earliest bonds with our brothers and sisters. No one else shares the same family history. By helping your children learn to value, love and respect their siblings, you are giving them a great gift—the gift of a lifelong friend.

Published online: 6/07
Source: Sibling Relationships (Copyright © 1996 American Academy of Pediatrics)

Article from: American Academy of Pediatrics

Thursday, November 8, 2007


時間:2006-03-22 23:24




暴力性 這是缺乏耐性兒童的最大特徵。不管是誰讓自己做不願做的事或得不到想要的東西時就失控地尖叫、罵人或打小朋友等。剛開始自己還會自責,不過一旦形成習慣,自責感就會消失,連父母的勸導都聽不進去,反而會使性子、發火。

依賴性 碰到稍陌生或困難的問題,便喪失了獨自解決問題的意志,轉而向別人求助,這種依賴性會使寶寶漸漸變得意志薄弱。

注意力低下 沒有耐性的寶寶做事肯定沒有持久性,因而會顯得注意力低下、散漫。玩玩具時,看看這個拿拿那個;參加鋼琴、美術、書法等學習班,沒有一個能堅持下去。













Newborn Babies and Sleep

From Elizabeth Pantley

By Elizabeth Pantley, Author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby. This is a glorious time in your life. Whether this is your first baby or your fifth, you will find this a time of recovery, adjustment, sometimes confusion and frustration, but — most wonderfully — of falling in love.

Babies younger than four months old have very different sleep needs than older babies. This article will help you understand your newborn baby’s developing sleep patterns, and will help you develop reasonable expectations when it comes to your baby and sleep.

Read, Learn, and Beware of Bad Advice
Absolutely everyone has an opinion about how you should handle sleep issues with your new baby. The danger to a new parent is that these tidbits of misguided advice (no matter how well-intentioned) can truly have a negative effect on our parenting skills and, by extension, our babies’ development…if we are not aware of the facts. The more knowledge you have the less likely that other people will make you doubt your parenting decisions.
When you have your facts straight, and when you have a parenting plan, you will be able to respond with confidence to those who are well-meaning but offering contrary or incorrect advice. So, your first step is to get smart! Know what you are doing, and know why you are doing it. Read books and magazines, attend classes or support groups – it all helps.

The Biology of Newborn Sleep
During the early months of your baby's life, he sleeps when he is tired, it’s really that simple. You can do very little to force a new baby to sleep when he doesn’t want to sleep, and conversely, you can do little to wake him up when he is sleeping soundly.
A very important point to understand about newborn babies is that they have very, very tiny tummies. New babies grow rapidly, their diet is liquid, and it digests quickly. Formula digests quickly and breast milk digests even more rapidly. Although it would be nice to lay your little bundle down at a predetermined bedtime and not hear a peep from him until morning, even the most naïve among us know that this is not a realistic goal for a tiny baby. Newborns need to be fed every two to four hours — and sometimes more.
During those early months, your baby will have tremendous growth spurts that affect not only daytime, but also nighttime feeding as well, sometimes pushing that two- to four-hour schedule to a one- to two-hour schedule around the clock.

Sleeping “through the night”
You have probably heard that babies should start "sleeping through the night" at about two to four months of age. What you must understand is that, for a new baby, a five-hour stretch is a full night. Many (but nowhere near all) babies at this age can sleep uninterrupted from midnight to 5 a.m. (Not that they always do.) A far cry from what you may have thought "sleeping through the night" meant!
What's more, while the scientific definition of “sleeping through the night” is five hours, most of us wouldn’t consider that anywhere near a full night’s sleep for ourselves. Also, some of these sleep-through-the-nighters will suddenly begin waking more frequently, and it’s often a full year or even two until your little one will settle into a mature, all-night, every night sleep pattern.

Falling Asleep at the Breast or Bottle
It is very natural for a newborn to fall asleep while sucking at the breast, a bottle, or a pacifier. When a baby always falls asleep this way, he learns to associate sucking with falling asleep; over time, he cannot fall asleep any other way. I have heard a number of sleep experts refer to this as a “negative sleep association.” I certainly disagree, and so would my baby. It is probably the most positive, natural, pleasant sleep association a baby can have. However, a large percentage of parents who are struggling with older babies who cannot fall asleep or stay asleep are fighting this natural and powerful sucking-to-sleep association.

Therefore, if you want your baby to be able to fall asleep without your help, it is essential that you sometimes let your newborn baby suck until he is sleepy, but not totally asleep. When you can, remove the breast, bottle, or pacifier from his mouth and let him finish falling asleep without something in his mouth. When you do this, your baby may resist, root, and fuss to regain the nipple. It’s perfectly okay to give him back the breast, bottle, or pacifier and start over a few minutes later. If you do this often enough, he will eventually learn how to fall asleep without sucking.

Monday, November 5, 2007




  一般人可能认为,新生儿什么都不懂,什么都不会,其实不然。研究显示,婴儿不仅能思考,记忆力强,懂得沟通,有个性,除了会欣赏语句的音调外,还有能力学习计算。  幼儿脑部有数百亿神经元在活动,潜力无限。但如困缺乏感情交流及环境刺激,这些还有待发展的神经元便无从发挥。
  新生儿好比一块超强的海棉,可以将周遭发生的事都记录下来,但并非照单全收;而是选择对他生存有利者,例如母亲的气息及声音。  为了顺利存活下去,建立关系是幼儿最先展现出来的能力。他一哇哇坠地,便使尽浑身解数引人注意,并开始与周围的人接触。有些小娃儿以尖叫或哭泣达成目的,也有人靠各种手势。一旦得到响应,他会如何继续?譬如,他微笑的表情,刚开始可能是肌肉收缩所致,但母亲热情的响应,可以刺激孩子生长激素;母亲也可能因为幼儿有表情,对他更加呵护。这种非语言的沟通,是良性互动,对新生儿心理发展有正面助益。  孩子一出生,就浸淫在语言旋律中。还在出发点上的新生儿,有能力学任一语言,就算同时学好几种语言,也没问题。只是他们的语言学习力会随年龄增长而下降;两个月大的婴儿,牙牙学语声不断,到了六岁大,就已经习惯用母语。  法国正音科医师瓦蕾里指出,双语环境对婴儿来说,是一种智力体操,有助于智能发展。就好象多出一双眼睛及一对耳朵,只是双语不能刻意教,而是从生活中学习而来。  换句话说,如果每天都用两种语言跟婴儿沟通,就像异国婚姻家庭一样,他可以很自然学会两种话语。  如果孩子过了牙牙学语期,不用担心,专家认为,三到七岁是非常适合学外国语的年纪,此时最好用循序渐进,有趣的方式教,不要造成他的负担。  儿童心理学之父皮亚杰在1940年左右即指出,孩童要六岁以后,才有逻辑观念。从某些角度来看,他并没有错。两.三岁的小孩一心一意学语言,对简单的加法或减法,没什么概念。  近来,美国研究却对上述观念,提出某种程度的质疑。亚利桑那大学心理学教授卡伦怀恩表示,三岁的宝宝就能分辨三个元素与四个元素构成的图形有所差异;五岁大时,如果告诉:他一个米奇加一个米奇,等于三个米奇,小娃儿会感到惊讶。由此可见,幼儿还是有简单的计算观念。  每个孩子都有无穷的潜能,如果父母善加培养,就有出类拔萃的一天。
